Friday, September 16, 2016

and then we’ll take flight up in these wild skies, and we’ll greet the moonrise when the day is spent

Friday, 09/16/16, 1:22pm

This week has actually been... ok. Maybe it's been going better, maybe the new meds are starting to kick in for real now, and maybe I didn't need to blog as much. Or maybe I was simply busy this week and wanted my free time as me time, not blogging time.

But a week without blogging is kinda a lot for me.

I have a lot I'm looking forward to over the next 10ish days. I think that has helped too.

We have a friend flying in for a visit tonight through Sunday, we'll see Nasser's mom and her husband for a bit on Sunday, and on Tuesday, we leave for...  Bermuda. That's right, B E R M U D A.

We are going withOUT kids and attending a wedding while we're there, but getting several extra free days in to relax, see some sites, enjoy the beautiful outdoors and ocean and beach. We've known about this Bermuda wedding for quite some time and knew from the beginning that kids would not be invited. And we've been planning for this for so long. Flights, accommodations were booked well in advance, we had my parents lined up for months to watch our kids. I can't believe it now that it's almost here though. It's always been this distant future thing, but we are actually going. Sah-weeet!

Yeah, clearly I am not excited about this trip at all.

I've just started preparing more for the trip, buying some travel sized essentials from the store, I had a hair appointment the other day, I'm getting my legs waxed (ugh, is it worth it? Yes yes it is to not have to shave legs the whole trip. Of course, the feminist part of me wishes I was bold enough to go hairy all the time, hah!). But it's made me really appreciate the excitement more.

I caught a bad cough/cold thing last weekend, and had it pretty bad several days this week. Working really hard to get over it in time for the trip, which I think will work out perfectly. But I was surprised that the physical illness didn't trigger some bad depressive/anxiety breakdowns. I think that's a sign that the meds really are starting to kick in.

Finishing off with a selfie from Wednesday of my new hair color. It's still in the reddish family, but it has some violet hue going on. It makes me happy.

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