Friday, September 2, 2016

it's my life, it's now or never. I ain't gonna live forever, I just want to live while I'm alive

Friday, 09/02/16, 3:05pm

I started reading a book per Nasser's recommendation, a good sci-fi fiction that does not break down all the aspects of my character and tell me how to be a better person. I need a little break from the self-help books for a bit. They're good, but they can be overwhelming for me.

I consider myself to be a reader but I've gone through several major reading droughts in my life. Or maybe I just go through reading spurts once in awhile and I'm just a fairweather reader. I have a pile of unfinished books next to my bed, and honestly I haven't really read in months. I've wanted to, to some extent, but haven't been interested lately. I'm sure that's likely a side effect of my worsened depression... (at this point I'm going to stop myself from the negative self talk that often follows here, and instead I'm going to say)... so I really need to just lower my expectations a little about what I'm "good at" right now in life.

Anyway, this book is kinda an end of world scenario- the moon splits into 7 pieces and several scientists across the globe calculate that all the pieces will separate within a year and a half and come raining down on Earth. There is a mad rush to make plans for who goes into space in search of other worlds, people start to grieve over the fact that almost everyone on Earth will die within 2 years. I'm not very far, but I think I'm close to that point of "this book has sucked me in". This author, Neal Stephenson, has written several books with strong female protagonists, and so far this book is looking to have a few.

I was thinking about reading and how different the experience is from watching a movie or even a tv show. Obviously, they're different, but I think there's this aspect of reading that creates an empathy in the reader for the characters. At least that's what you get out of really good quality literature.

Unfortunately I did already watch the movie first, but I want to read The Martian soon. Nasser read it, read a couple snippets to me, and I got to watch as he reacted to different parts of the book, so now I've got something to look forward to... AFTER the book I'm currently in. I really don't need another unfinished book to add to my list.

See below for the actual books sitting next to the bed; note, this does not count the other 3 that I've been reading digitally. Seriously, what is up with me??

(FYI, that is NOT 50 Shades of Grey on the bottom, just an unfortunately similar book title. Besides, it is a far superior book about a Lithuanian family getting imprisoned during World War II - don't quote me on all that, I'm not very far into it).

I read a wide variety of books, but I love it. I need this post today to praise reading because I'm also hoping it will get me back into it.

I'm sure reading is good for the depression too, anyway, so here goes trying, yet another thing.

PS- I talked recently about some intrusive thoughts that were going on in my weaning of my old antidepressant and now starting a new one. Found out this week that it is not abnormal with depression (I was terrified that I was additional dipping into psychotic symptoms there). My psychiatrist said that the higher doses of meds really help with that symptom, so we upped the new one, already. But that is not a failure. I accept that I have and will likely always have a decent amount of medication in order to function closer to my normal. It's always in addition to the other things I do in my treatment- therapy, exercise, mindfulness, blogging, using my support people, and now reading.

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