Tuesday, November 1, 2016

in this town of Halloween

Tuesday, 11/01/16, 9:12am

Wow, it's November already. My "blogiversary" is coming up in just a few more days. It'll be a year that I will have been writing.

It's weird to think how much the blog means to me. How much I come back to it, even just to reread earlier posts. I'm quite sure it helps me a lot; my therapist most recently pointed out how when I've talked about it, I've only basically raved about how much it helps me. Hah.

On my run yesterday, I think I was practicing mindfulness decently well. I kept taking pictures- selfies and scenery. It's been a long time since I've ran. It felt really good for the first mile and a half, but then the rest wasn't so great especially with the foot pain from my (relatively) new shoes.

I think my shoes are a half size too small. Crap.

Actually if they made them in quarter sizes, I would be set. I need to be a women's 8.75 size. Haha. 9.25 in running shoes.

My run was fantastic in so many ways. Late fall beauty and late summer temps.

2.99 miles total (there was no way in hell I was going to force myself to get that extra 0.01 miles yesterday), not too shabby, but I wish it all had felt much better. And I wish my feet didn't hurt so much from the shoes. I feel like I've now run in them too many times to return them. Crap.

Then after the run, after eating something and taking a shower, I proceeded to face paint. 

It really didn't look right at the first part of the day, the Halloween parade at the boys' school, since I only had time for the white. But I looked creepy as hell at school. Hah!

RG was a kitty of course, but barely looked like he was in costume (he wore mostly black with a tail and ears). Sigh. Oh well. I suppose I was selfish with effort towards costumes this year, but the boys only wanted to be kitties! And had no interest in face painting on whiskers.

I'm the bad mom who didn't capture any good photos of the boys yesterday, and the parade was difficult to get a good shot of RG anyway, but I did get some good ones of the principal leading the parade, dressed as a construction contractor (funny to everyone there because they're currently undergoing construction of the new school on the same campus, so this entire school year is nuts with school continuing in the old building and construction going on of the new building). Anyway, literally the entire gym was chuckling at his costume and demeanor. I love our kids' school! Also, in a previous year, he dressed up as Matt Smith as the Doctor.

I was not the only parent who dressed up. Thankfully. There were few of us though. Sigh.

Here's the best I looked later on in the afternoon.

But then something happened. RG and I got into a fight about quitting the Kindle time (he really hadn't had much though at that point) and getting to Nasser's work for trick-or-treating there. It all just went to hell. RG stormed off upstairs saying he wasn't going and then eventually when we were all on the phone with Nasser talking it through, I got further depressed. I ruined a bunch of the face paint, then said well now I can't go anywhere and we decided to skip the work trick-or-treating and Nasser came home. Poor TK was especially disappointed in that I think. Sigh.

I recovered. Miraculously. It took some time, the kids got some "educational shows", which was fine in a lot of ways because I think they needed that downtime to do well later too. Nasser and I touched up my face, a lot, and then we headed out.

It ended up being a good night. Quality time spent with neighbors, some of whom we haven't known as well. There were two wagons brought along in the group, with adult beverages. I, of course, skipped that part, which was fine. It all was fun, we laughed, we scolded kids when they were climbing over too many bushes to shortcut their way to the next house, we reminded them to say thank you. And when we hit our cul-de-sac, our little family cut out a tad early. We needed it, we needed the time at home for the kids to peruse their candy before getting to bed, a tad later than normal, which was about where we needed it to be.

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