Wednesday, February 24, 2016

the mongrel cat came home

Wednesday, 02/24/16, 8:38am

I haven't blogged in several days, or even looked at the blog, and as usual, that probably hasn't been the best thing for me. I wouldn't say I'm in a depressive episode, and I didn't quite get there last night, even though I got close. But I'm feeling a little down, in general.

Over the weekend, we adopted a cat. We've been talking about it for awhile, and the kids have been begging for it. It's been really great and fun, except one issue. In the beginning he didn't use the litter box, and he was marking all around the house. Not fun. We pretty quickly learned that he needed to be put in "solitary confinement" in the laundry room with everything he needed. Then we intensely cleaned the house. Spot cleaned actually, every single spot he went, found in the dark, by black light. We've been putting him in solitary every overnight since then, but letting him roam most of the house during the day. TK and I have barely left the house this week, partially because I've wanted to keep the cat under my supervision. Today I think we'll leave for a couple hours though, and I intend to check the house again with the aid of the black light after.

It's been a more involved process than we expected for sure. To me, I really like this cat, he's super friendly and tolerant of the kids, so it feels worth it to put in the work to get him there. Nasser was more unsure about getting a cat in the first place, so I think this process has been more disappointing for him, which has in turn, made me feel crappy. I've been feeling judged and slightly ashamed of Nasser's disappointment. And he's just disappointed that it didn't go easier, which is normal. But maybe I'm judging myself. I wanted a cat so badly and now it's been difficult, and I blame myself. Maybe I think Nasser should be blaming me. I don't know.

I am excited and hopeful, and have been for a few days now, that we will get there with this kitty. I'm glad, because he is really pretty great. He is loving, loves to be around us, loves to be pet. He is a little bit of a troublemaker though: he jumps on the table and counters, he tries to run out the doors when we leave or enter the house. They think he's about a year and a half, a gray tabby, and he used to be a stray (they think). If not a stray, I think he used to be an outdoor cat, maybe ran away and was a stray for only a little while. (Because he is so totally interested in the outdoors!). He came to the humane society (where we got him from), with a severe wound above his eye. It looks much better now I guess, but he needed antibiotics, and they think it was from a fight with another cat. Check him out below.

I love the kitty. But it's been stressful. I haven't been blogging. I haven't been getting the best exercise (although I have plans to go for a run with my sister and friend this afternoon). And I've been emotionally eating. Ugh. No wonder I feel down. I guess I'm starting to do the right things again though, right? Starting with the blog. Run in a few hours, shower sometime later. I can do this.

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